Mario Chat
Mario Chat
Mario Chat

This is my AI dialog software, designed with the UI and style elements of the Nintendo Switch in mind. It is tailored to meet user-specific needs such as locating local screenshots, identifying games of interest, and retrieving desired online content. The primary colors of the interface are red and white. Uniquely, the far right vertical scroll bar features an image of the flag from Super Mario Bros. Unlike a typical scroll bar, it moves in the opposite direction.

This is my AI dialog software, designed with the UI and style elements of the Nintendo Switch in mind. It is tailored to meet user-specific needs such as locating local screenshots, identifying games of interest, and retrieving desired online content. The primary colors of the interface are red and white. Uniquely, the far right vertical scroll bar features an image of the flag from Super Mario Bros. Unlike a typical scroll bar, it moves in the opposite direction.

This is my AI dialog software, designed with the UI and style elements of the Nintendo Switch in mind. It is tailored to meet user-specific needs such as locating local screenshots, identifying games of interest, and retrieving desired online content. The primary colors of the interface are red and white. Uniquely, the far right vertical scroll bar features an image of the flag from Super Mario Bros. Unlike a typical scroll bar, it moves in the opposite direction.